Thursday, September 27, 2012

Long Distance and Graduate School

So, this might be of interest to those consider graduate school. Many couples decide to relocate to a new place together. Sometimes, the situation doesn't allow for that to happen. In my case, it didn't. :( However, we're making it work. Don't believe me? Yesterday my boo and I celebrated our second anniversary! You should've seen me, I was cheesin' like a kid in a candy store all day.

To all of the potential GSE students who might be thinking, hmmm.... I am currently in a relationship. How is that going to work? You've probably heard stories of successful relationships and miserably failed ones as well. I know I have. Anyways, thats irrelevant. I do not have anything particularly insightful to say in this regard, aside from the fact that its work, but if you want something, you'll get it. You have to work to make it work. It's hard, of course. However, nothing worth savoring comes without work. And so, we're putting in work! :0

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