Thursday, October 4, 2012

From Down to Up w/ Thought Provoking Conversation

This morning I woke up feeling like bricks fell on top of my head... right after being hit by a car. When I say I felt awful, I really mean it. My body was (and to be frank, still is) in a state of tiredness. I've been doing wayyyyy to much- classes, student teaching, bodybuilding training, volunteering at a few organizations, mentoring, working a part time job, family stuff in Jersey, working on a publication... and the list seriously goes on and on. I woke up this morning and my body told me, "You're not Superman. You need to slow down." And so, I am going to try to reconfigure and find some balance.

But anyway, that didn't keep me down today. I still went about doing whatever I had to do. As you can see from a very recent blog post, I was energized by a conversation that occurred tis morning in one of the classes that I sat in on.

Well, my own graduate school class really got me energized. I walked into the class feeling like a ton of bricks hit me in my head, right. Well, to be frank, I still feel physically crappy- but the level of thought provoking conversation AND ITS PRACTICALITY/ UTILITY really got me pumped. This course (Psychoeducational Interactions with Black Males) is designed in such a way where what seems to be abstract, untouchable theoretical paradigms and concepts and isms (lol) become real, honest life stuff.

I won't do the discussion or content justice by recounting the discussion, but for now I will say this, in the span of a day, I literally went from up to down.

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