Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Special Shout Out: Xixi!!!

If you've read my latest posts or if you've had a conversation with me over the past month or so, you know that my life is crazy hectic. With a fair share of good, there has been a fair share of bad. However, there is one friend of mine who has been fantastic over the past couple of weeks. Actually, there have been quite a few (which range from my super talented classroom mentor at SLA to one of my closest AKA skee-wee, oh-so-pretty friends to my patient, chill roommate). However, there is one in particular who deserves a shout out by name.

A coworker/ friend at GSE has been incredibly amazing over the past couple of weeks. You may know her. You might have checked out her blog, as it is hyperlinked above. Her name is Xixi and she's incredible. Seriously, she's been super nice, caring, and just a great friend. I'm not just saying this because she approves my hours and can potentially give me the boot from this GA position. I'm saying this because she's performed kind deeds and kind deeds deserve recognition.

And so, I salute my wonderful friend Xixi

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