Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Class after class

About to keep it so real....

So, as a part of the Teacher Education program, I am student teaching at a high school in Philadelphia. I  definitely will blog about the Disneyland experience that I am having at this high school (Science Leadership Academy), but for now, I'm gonna discuss something else. The STRUGGLE (lol) of having class after class. Omg, it is a challenge.

After SLA, I have my Penn classes. On some days, its without problem. Normally I'll have a nice break in between student teaching and my actual classes.  But some By the time I get to my Penn class, I just want to slip on a snuggie and pass out in a bed.

There are a few professors who probably think that I am just bored or so through with their classes, which couldn't be farther from the truth. In reality, I am just tired by nature of having so much to do! But there I am, in class, tapping my knee, furiously taking notes on every little thing, trying to compensate for the fact that I have such little energy.

And you know what's so funny? I'll go to the gym after or back home, and I'll be crazy energized.

I'm sure my body will adjust to my schedule... but until now, profs will have to put up with me dozzzzzzzing off. :)

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