Sunday, January 27, 2013

Update for the Week

This week has been incredibly hectic, I do not even know where to begin. I haven't had much time to really reflect on anything but classroom instruction, so let me use this forum to vent. This might be a therapeutic post.

This week has been one of those weeks. For one, I wish I could be home (in Jersey) and taking care of some things that need attending to. Its always unfortunate to recieve news through the phone and not in person. It feels even worse to get news about something you should be involved with, but can't. I think that is the one thing I am really sort of resenting about this program, in some way. One of the reasons why I came to Penn was to be able to tend to the real-life responsibilities that I have, but due to the design of my program, I am not able to go home. I'm feeling some type of way about this.

Aside from that, I'm super blessed to have finished everything that I need to finish. I didn't write this in any of my past posts, but I was REALLY sick for a good month and a half. the words of my grandmother rang through my head during this time and reall got me through. She always says, "I don't have the luxury of being sick. I have things to do." Yup, that's basically what happened in my life and as bad as this might sound, I'm happy I pushed through. I was able to finish all of my coursework, do some really cool lesson planning, and not be bogged down by the challenges of life.

Anyway, back to my weekly update. So aside from resenting my inability to visit the fam, I grinded on my Penn reading and essays. I did a ton of grading and I am FINISHED! YAY! I've been training with a trainer at the gym- homie is bigger than me, which is exactly what I need to get big. Working out and prayer have both been nice escapes this week.

There were three things that made the horridness of Monday- Friday, liveable.

1. There was one highlight of my week and that was the carrying out of debates in my African American History class. These students were AMAZINGLY IMPRESSIVE. They showed out and showed off. From the bills/resolutions they wrote, to the passionate, fiery debate that they promoted, these students did the dang thing and it made me so proud.

2. I saw my roommate. We're basically the best of friends, for those who don't know, yet we never see each other. Beeing that we're both in the struggle, we both would work in the (warzone that is the) living room til 2/3 am everyday. Fun times!

3. Educon! OMG, fo'real'dough- best thing in life. I am going to have to devote a full blog post to Educon.

Upcoming posts: I found (been found) a church! I beat walking pneumonia! Educon! Amazing Coworkers! Sleep! Weight training. Job searching. Social Life (or lack thereof), Independent Study

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